Blog entries
June 29, 2024
Rating All of the Howlters New Outfits
I am SO late to the party, I know. We're all supposed to be freaking out over the tour tickets right now (and believe me, I did freak out severely. Getting the tickets felt like fighting a grizzly bear), and I got around to talking about the last Sims video just now. Feel free to disagree with me, but I do believe that Dan and Phil have a geniunely solid fashion sense, aside from, uh, some occasional leather shirts, 3/4 length shorts, ladybug jumpers and potato sack sweaters. So I was fully expecting them to come up with some snazzy outfits, but I guess it's one thing to know how to dress yourself and another to dress your Sims characters.
This blog entry took me waaaay longer than it should have. I started writing this on June 18, but just finished this now. Life just gets in the way sometimes, you know how it goes. Alright, without further ado, let's roast some questionable fashion choices.
Everyday Outfit

Right... Let me preface this by saying I don't vibe with Dab's new hair at ALL. I get that they wanted to reflect Phil's new hair color, but... why silver? What baffles me the most is that they literally clicked on the perfect blonde shade, which is the closest to Phil's current hair, and then proceeded to go with silver. Just why. Okay, they can keep the silver hair if they want to, but for the love of God, give him back his fluffy hair. The quiff does not suit him whatsoever; they made him look like somebody's grandpa when he's supposed to be the cool gay older brother. Although he does slightly resemble Tyler Oakley circa 2014...
To be fair, Dab's previous outfit was kind of a mess with the mismatched reds and trousers with lampasse, but I'm not sure if the new one is better or worse. The jumper is all right, the pants are acceptable, but they should've gone with the mint color. The boots are HORRENDOUS. Why couldn't they just give him some tasteful light-colored pastel sneakers? Overall, 5/10. Not as bad as the other fashion crimes you're about to witness.

Good idea, bad execution. No thought or effort were put into this outfit whatsoever. I can very much imagine an NPC wearing this, if you know what I'm reffering to. This outfit desperately needs some accesories, like earrings, rings and some graphic eyeliner. The skirt construction is quite weird (like what are those panels???), I don't like the pink undertone of the shirt and how it's tucked, the bow tie looks completely out of place, let alone the damn shoes... Just a lot of missed potential, honestly. Dab would've looked so good wearing a skirt or a dress within the proper outfit, but alas. Overall a 3.5/10.

Uh... Sure? I don't have much to say about this one. I do think it's pretty in character for Dab to wear Zebra print speedos. The outfit (if it can be called that) could've benefited from some accesories or black/gray nail polish. Overall 4/10.

Oh how much I despise Dab's new hair. I mean. Not the most wedding appropriate outfit in my opinion, but sure. Again, could use some accesories, nail polish and different shoes. The red leather pants were certainly... a choice. I like the rainbow shirt collar, not sure how I feel about the untied suit tie. It's not horrible, he seems approachable and would surely make a good first impression if I saw him at a pride event. 6.5/10.
Hot Weather

What in the WORLD is this monstrosity. As Dan puts it, "He looks like a middle-aged Republican lady in Walmart that would slow you". You won't see a gay person dressed like that in Palm Springs. Why would you make this poor guy wear a short-sleeved flannel shirt? Maybe if they'd make him wear something like a crop top or a fitted tank top, the outfit could've been saved, but once again, alas. Where are the fun accesories. I can't keep complaining about the shoes, that's a long-running issue at this point. Please give him some light sneakers, or at least some slides. This outfit is a mess, and not a hot one. Overall 3/10.
Cold Weather

... It's fine, I guess? I'd imagine Dab would wear something more sophisticated and stylish, like maybe a denim jacket with fur collar or a duffle coat. I'm sorry, I really don't like the way puffer jackets look. Cargo pants are good actually, I don't care what anybody says. Oh, I bet his ankles are freezing. Please give this poor guy some socks or higher boots. Overall 5/10.
Everyday Outfit

They should've kept the longer afro in my opinion, but the shorter hair also works fine! As for the outfit, it find it kinda mediocre and basic, but maybe that's what works the best for Evan, and I don't mean this as an insult. After all, he's not the type of flamboyant guy who enjoys being at the centre of attention. I don't know how you feel about the hand coverings, but I think it's a nice little detail. I mean, yeah, the fit is pretty cohesive, there is a clear distinctive color palette going on, but something's lacking. The mint green pants are great though! I'm also a loafers hater, so I'd personally change the shoes and give him some plain long socks to cover the ankles. Overall 6/10.

Oh, this is quite a solid look! I feel like the pants are a bit too peculiar for a formal outfit and I wish they'd make them darker to match the blazer (also... what are those white stains?), but the jacket looks good on him. My man be looking snatched. The outfit would look even more completed if he had a small hoop earring on one side, and some silver rings on his fingers. Overall 7/10.

I know I said I wasn't gonna rate the randomized outfits, BUT HEAR ME OUT. If I saw this guy at a gym, I would be too distracted with gay horny thoughts to concentrate on my own workout and just spend the next hour checking him out. Love the gradient tank top. If I wasn't built like a twig I would wear tops like these all the time. I also love how Dan and Phil sincerely didn't notice they didn't randomize the bottomwear and just assumed that the game wants Evan to wear micro shorts, when in reality it's just the default Sims underwear. Iconic shit. I like my men slutty. 8/10.

Oh hell yeah, this is CAMP! Dan and Phil actually chose a nice-looking pair of shoes for once? Can you believe it? This is such a serve, Evan is SLAYING it with those flares and platform shoes. The shirt is fire, we love to see men showing tasteful cleavage. Knowing Dan and Phil it most likely wasn't intentional, but pan pride nail polish? HELL YEAH! I would so offer to buy him a Tequila Sunrise at a gay bar. 9/10.

Listen. Even though he looks fantastic, I don't think Evan would wear something like this. He's just not that type of guy to wear leopard print speedos. Dab? Yeah, I can see it. Dil? Sure, dilfs can get away with pretty much anything. But I imagine Evan would opt for boardshorts and maybe a swim shirt or tank top. It's not bad, it just doesn't match Evan's vibe at all. 4/10.
Hot Weather

... No, this is the peak of the "He Would Not Wear This Shit" mountain . Why did they keep the random glasses? I'm digging the floral shorts, very casual but funky, but the top makes the entire outfit look horrendous. In what universe would Evan wear a sequin crop top? Maybe if they made him wear a darker/more neutral top, or an open button down shirt, the outfit could be saved, but alas. Overall 3/10.
Cold Weather

Now THIS captures Evan's personality perfectly! It's giving gay cowboy vibes. This looks like something I would actually wear in real life. No complaints from me, this is a 10/10 winter outfit. The stud earring is barely noticeable, but it's certainly here!

What the fuck? This is not Dil, the lovable nerdy bisexual dilf, this is an off-putting sexist 50 year old man who chases women that are 20-30 years younger than him. The suit isn't bad, objectively, but why this horrible brick red color. Why not black or dark blue. WHY THE GRAY SNEAKERS. This is a mess, they did my man so dirty, I am in pain. 2/10.

What the actual ever loving fuck. Do I even need to say anything. What was their thought process. What were they thinking. No Dan, this is not "sexy as fuck", this is not "extreme dadcore". This is BONKERS. Daniel, why in the world would you be so down bad for THIS? This is a complete disaster. Absolutely horrendous. How is this not a rage bait. Free my man from this monstrosity. 0/10.

Oh, this is... I'm not sure how I feel about it. Who is this guy? I mean, there is a cohesive color pallete going on, which is great. The beanie looks out of place, but the headphones are fine. Generally speaking, the oufit is good, but I can't imagine Dil wearing something like this. This would look just fine on a younger sim, but Dil just looks like he's going through a midlife crisis or something. I'm not a hater though, if this feels authentic and true to Dil, then by all means, dad, go rock the fishnet shirt and white leather pants! 6/10.

First of all, how DARE they call Dil the straight man of the house. This is bisexual erasure. Second of all, I really don't like the shirt. It's way too loose and a fitted tank top would look so much better. But I guess it does fits Dil's character, and dads dress like that all the time. The shorts are cool though, I would totaly wear them. 5/10.
Hot Weather

Uh? This is literally just his regular outfit, but they made it worse. Yeah, that's a downgrade for sure. Why go with the red shorts when the green ones matched the rest of the outfit perfectly? And altough bunny slippers have become iconic, the idea of wearing them outside on a hot, sunny day sounds like an absolute nightmare. 5.5/10, purely because I believe men should wear shorter shorts.
Cold Weather

OH... Interesting choice. The jacket is camp, I feel like Phil would absolutely wear this in real life. I'm all for the "over-the-top-neon-tacky-80s- dad-fashion" vibe, but the same thing I said about his party outfit applies to this one. I don't think this is something that Dil would wear under normal circumstances? Hm. The pants confuse me, I wish the colors would match the jacket more, and the fact that they appear to be sweatpants also throws me off a litle bit. It's certainly a fun outfit, I'm just not used to seeing Dil dressing up like this. Overall 7/10.

NUKI MY BELOVED!!!!! Such a cute little doggo. Absolutely adorable. Love the Dalien shirt, love how the spiked collar is like a little nod to Tabitha, both in the terms of her new hair color and fashion-wise. Amazing. Anything that Nuki ever wears is an instant serve. 10/10.

Ohhh he is FIERCE. He's a cutie, but he's also A BEAST to be FEARED. I feel like the bow is kinda out of place, but it's cute nevertheless. 10/10. No discussion needed. This virtual dog means the world to me. Nuki is objectively the best dressed Howlter. You agree with me.

"This hair has been a revelation","It's doing everything, isn't it?" What in the WORLD are you two TALKING ABOUT! It's doing NOTHING!!! I am not on board with Tabitha's new hair. I think it lacks volume, the hairstyle looks crusty and not in a good way, this shade of pink is not doing it. I love that they gave her a full sleeve tatto, but that's where the list of things that I like about her makeover ends. As for the outfit... The shorts are definitely an improvement, the previous ones didn't quite match her vibe. The shoes matching the hair is always a good way to go. Overall 7/10.

Nah, I don't think Tabitha would wear this. A nice, black, flowy, gothic, maxi dress would look so much better and more fitting. I mean, okay, the dress is pretty, but it's hard to compliment it because of how unfinished the entire outfit looks. For the LOVE of GOD, do her makeup properly. I'm begging you. Her current makeup is so busted, it makes her look like a grandma. No goth would ever willingly apply this crap to their face. Overall 5/10.

Right. Not gonna say anything about the sunglasses since they've kinda become a staple at this point. I don't understand why would they change the underwear, it's supposed to be a matching lingerie set? I love the gradient colors of the bralette, it looks really cool. Can't say anything about the practicality, but it's a fine outfit! 6/10.

Whoa, who is this Jojo side character? I don't remember her in Stone Ocean. This might be a hot take (blazing hot, even), but I don't think this outfit is as horrendous as the phandom makes it out to be. Yes, it's eccentric and lowkey a mess, but it strangely works together. If I saw a woman dressed like this out in public, I'd assume that she's either a body piercer or a cosmetologist. She's like a cool bisexual auntie. I bet she's really fun at parties, and I don't mean this as a sarcastic remark. I'm glad they remembered that accesories and manicure exist. Overall 8/10.

Uh? It's certainly a mess, but compared to the other outfits, it's tolerable. Could have been so much worse. Yass Queen, go show off your full sleeve tattoo!!! Overall 4/10.
Hot Weather

Oh this is BAD. This is real bad. This is an atrocity. This is the pinnacle of fashion crimes. Daniel, you know absolutely NOTHING about goths, it's just insulting at this point. What are Dan and Phil doing to our beautiful queens. How do you expect this poor woman to wear this murky ass leather jacket DURING THE SUMMER. The shorts are even more terrible. My dear Tabitha, you deserve so much better. 1/10.
Cold Weather

Guys, I can't do this anymore. Why would they do this to her. Why didn't they keep the flannel pants? The gray flannel pants made this mess of an outfit look a little bit more cohesive. She was born to wear a cunty furcoat with some chunky platform shoes, forced to wear an ugly drainer top with an anime girl slapped on it. I really don't like this, but I can see what they were going for with those pink accents throughout the outfit. 3/10.

Eh. It's okay. I very much prefer the original outfit, but it's fine. I love how both the shirt and pants have holes in them, but I wish they'd make the jeans darker. Not sure how to feel about the reddish highlights, I think cool colors suit him more. 7/10.

Yeah, Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge, Helena music video, yeah, very cool, sure thing. WHY THE GRAY PANTS!!!! I'm a loafers hater through and through, they should not be included in any outfit tbh, but especially in this one. How can you make a MCR inspired outfit and forget about the smudged black eyeliner. Once again; good idea, not so great execution. Overall 4/10.

"Oh, the hood, that is incredible!" You mean incredibly bad, Mr. Lester? "That's pretty cool" Girl, this outfit is not cool in any of the possible alternative universes. It's rancid. Why did you deliberately make my guy bald and then decide to keep the hoodie instead of picking out literally any other top that doesn't break the hair mesh. The shorts look like Dalien stole them from a forty-something divorced dad who works at a golf course. The outfit is atrocious enough, but remember that they also want him to exercise in this monstrosity. They could've literally dressed him up in a black pleated tennis skirt (ya know, since he's a cheerleader) but noooo. 0/10.

Right. I would 100% compliment his battle jacket and I love the consistent red accents, but Dalien would NOT wear this. This looks like he swapped outfits with his hypothetical metalhead boyfriend just for the sake of fun. To be honest, it's kind of lazy and I feel like there is a lot of missed potential. Oh, if only Dan and Phil have looked around in CAS for a little longer... 6/10.

Oh please don't do this to him. I understand that managing dysphoria whilst swimming can be an incredibly difficult task, but please don't do this to him. 0/10.
Hot Weather

I wish I could say this is a serve, but alas... I very much support the genderfuckery forever and ever, but unfortunately this is a mess. Why would they select an okayish, edgy-looking dress and then go "You know what this outfit needs? ARGYLE PATTERN SOCKS. The gray ones, specifically". Why didn't they take the fishnets into account. I wish the outfit had more fitting accesories, I really do. I don't hate the dress, but I feel like Dalien would be more of knee length skirt type of guy. Overall 4.5/10.
Cold Weather

Guys, a new JoJo character just dropped! But this is not a Dalien outfit whatsoever. I honestly don't understand their thought process: they want him to be an emo kid, but then proceed to dress him up in the most bonkers non-emo outfits known to men. I know I sound like a broken record, but that's just the case with a lot of these new looks; the outfit itself isn't terrible, it simply doesn't fit the characteÅ—'s vibe or personality in the slightest. Dare I say it, the outfit is actually pretty solid and it would look good on a different sim, but not on Dalien. Also, I'm a bucket hat hater in stealth. Of course you can do whatever you want forever, I just really don't get the appeal. I like the key earring though, I use it all the time on my sims! Overall 7/10.
What can I say... Decisions were made. I feel very tempted to recreate the Howlters in my own Sims game and do them justice. I can't believe just how dirty they did everyone. Literally no one was safe from Dan and Phil's VERY questionable fashion choices, except for Nuki, of course. I don't know when I'll get around to makeover-ing the makeovers, as I have a LOT going on in my life right now, but I do plan on making something like a lookbook and uploading the finished pictures to this website. So stay tuned for more updates, and I wish you a very lovely day, and go grab them tour tickets if you didn't do it already!!! What are you waiting for!!!

June 12, 2024
Dan's Birthday Live Stream
Oh boy, where do I even BEGIN. It's been a whole day and I still refuse to believe that this was an actual live stream that thousands of people witnessed and not just a fever dream-induced mass hallucination. The amount of phan service was INSANE. Have you ever felt hung over because of a Youtube live stream? Even though you haven't had a single drop of alcohol, but so much stuff happened that it feels like a legit hangover? Yeah, this is the first experience for me as well. What a time to be alive!
I strongly suggest that you watch Dan's birthday charity stream with your own eyes in case you missed it (kinda loser behavior tbh. you better have a valid excuse, because that shit was MONUMENTAL. lives were changed). There is no way I could possibly make a comprehensive recap or a listing of stream highlights, even if I had all the time in the world. Just trust me when I say that it's something that you must see for youself. You probably can't go in blind and escape the spoilers at this point, as I was liveblogging it on Tumblr and people were already posting gifsets during the actual stream. What can I say, the devil works hard, but phannies work harder.
I am too tired to write a long verbose paragraph, so I'll just say that the stream was truly amazing, the chaos was unparalleled and I can't even begin to count how many times my jaw has dropped. I'm so proud of them for using their platform for such a great cause, and just as proud of everyone who has donated! It's so mindblowing to see how far they've come and what a truly magical community they've build over the years. I hope you are enjoying the Dan and Phil renaissance as much as I do.
Oh, I had almost forgotten! Tomorrow marks the 5th anniversary of Dan's coming out video! I'm not exaggerating when I say that this video means the world to me, and I'm sure it's the same case with a lot of people. I can't believe it's been so long already, somehow it simultaneously feels like it came out yesterday and a lifetime ago. I never would have thought that we'd get to this point, but sometimes I even tend to forget that they ever were in the closet. I can't help but be in awe and sob a little every time I rewatch his and Phil's coming out videos :'). To every queer person reading this: I hope you get a chance to live your truth and be unapologetically yourself as soon as possible. You might still be in the process of figuring yourself out; you may not be in an environment where you can safely and freely explore your identity, but that's okay. I know things can be incredibly scary, but you will be okay. It might take months, years, or even decades, but one day you will find the courage not just to be honest with yourself, but to accept, embrace and celebrate who you are. Eventually, you will find your community where you will be seen and understood, and never judged or shamed for things that you can't, and don't have to change. Happy pride month, everyone!