Blog entries

June 29, 2024

Rating All of the Howlters New Outfits

I am SO late to the party, I know. We're all supposed to be freaking out over the tour tickets right now (and believe me, I did freak out severely. Getting the tickets felt like fighting a grizzly bear), and I got around to talking about the last Sims video just now. Feel free to disagree with me, but I do believe that Dan and Phil have a geniunely solid fashion sense, aside from, uh, some occasional leather shirts, 3/4 length shorts, ladybug jumpers and potato sack sweaters. So I was fully expecting them to come up with some snazzy outfits, but I guess it's one thing to know how to dress yourself and another to dress your Sims characters.

This blog entry took me waaaay longer than it should have. I started writing this on June 18, but just finished this now. Life just gets in the way sometimes, you know how it goes. Alright, without further ado, let's roast some questionable fashion choices.

What can I say... Decisions were made. I feel very tempted to recreate the Howlters in my own Sims game and do them justice. I can't believe just how dirty they did everyone. Literally no one was safe from Dan and Phil's VERY questionable fashion choices, except for Nuki, of course. I don't know when I'll get around to makeover-ing the makeovers, as I have a LOT going on in my life right now, but I do plan on making something like a lookbook and uploading the finished pictures to this website. So stay tuned for more updates, and I wish you a very lovely day, and go grab them tour tickets if you didn't do it already!!! What are you waiting for!!!

June 12, 2024

Dan's Birthday Live Stream

Oh boy, where do I even BEGIN. It's been a whole day and I still refuse to believe that this was an actual live stream that thousands of people witnessed and not just a fever dream-induced mass hallucination. The amount of phan service was INSANE. Have you ever felt hung over because of a Youtube live stream? Even though you haven't had a single drop of alcohol, but so much stuff happened that it feels like a legit hangover? Yeah, this is the first experience for me as well. What a time to be alive!

I strongly suggest that you watch Dan's birthday charity stream with your own eyes in case you missed it (kinda loser behavior tbh. you better have a valid excuse, because that shit was MONUMENTAL. lives were changed). There is no way I could possibly make a comprehensive recap or a listing of stream highlights, even if I had all the time in the world. Just trust me when I say that it's something that you must see for youself. You probably can't go in blind and escape the spoilers at this point, as I was liveblogging it on Tumblr and people were already posting gifsets during the actual stream. What can I say, the devil works hard, but phannies work harder.

I am too tired to write a long verbose paragraph, so I'll just say that the stream was truly amazing, the chaos was unparalleled and I can't even begin to count how many times my jaw has dropped. I'm so proud of them for using their platform for such a great cause, and just as proud of everyone who has donated! It's so mindblowing to see how far they've come and what a truly magical community they've build over the years. I hope you are enjoying the Dan and Phil renaissance as much as I do.

Oh, I had almost forgotten! Tomorrow marks the 5th anniversary of Dan's coming out video! I'm not exaggerating when I say that this video means the world to me, and I'm sure it's the same case with a lot of people. I can't believe it's been so long already, somehow it simultaneously feels like it came out yesterday and a lifetime ago. I never would have thought that we'd get to this point, but sometimes I even tend to forget that they ever were in the closet. I can't help but be in awe and sob a little every time I rewatch his and Phil's coming out videos :'). To every queer person reading this: I hope you get a chance to live your truth and be unapologetically yourself as soon as possible. You might still be in the process of figuring yourself out; you may not be in an environment where you can safely and freely explore your identity, but that's okay. I know things can be incredibly scary, but you will be okay. It might take months, years, or even decades, but one day you will find the courage not just to be honest with yourself, but to accept, embrace and celebrate who you are. Eventually, you will find your community where you will be seen and understood, and never judged or shamed for things that you can't, and don't have to change. Happy pride month, everyone!