Hello, Dan And Phil Games Web Surfers!

Ah yes, Dan and Phil: "the men, the myths, the legends". Truly an iconic duo that shaped the pop culture for more than a decade, irrevocably altered the brain chemistry and subsequently raised an entire generation of thousands of depressed teenagers, who've went on their way to evolve into horny queer adults, who are hopefully now somewhat less depressed. Two guys who somehow managed to attract the queerest audience imaginable, despite being in the closet for the majority of their careers.

... But the purpose of this particular website of mine isn't to cover these guys' origin stories or their numerous projects; because there is plenty of information on the web about them, and I'm pretty sure that if you've managed to wind up here, then you probably already know a thing or two about Dan and Phil. Maybe you've never sat through an entire video of theirs or interacted with the phandom directly, but you've heard all kinds of stories about those freaky, obsessive demon phannies. Maybe you were the demon phannie back in the day, and now you look back at your phandom years as a cringeworthy phase that needs to be repressed and never brought up ever again. Maybe Dan and Phil forever remained in your memory as these two absurdly tall guys with side-swept emo fringes, whose entire branding is based around llamas and lions, and also them being awkward, relatable nerds who go outside exactly four times per year. Regardless of what your experience is, I can assure you that we are no longer a toxic cesspool of a fandom like we once were; the audience has grown up and matured significantly. The majority of us are in our 20s now, thus the enviroment is much more chill and laid-back.

So with that being said, the main mission of this website is to focus on their joint channel, which was created on the 2nd of May, 2014 (although the first video was uploaded a bit later on 12th of September of the same year), and named... Well, you've already guessed that: DanAndPhilGAMES. Yes, it may not be the most ingenious title in the world, but hey. It works and it's instantly recognisable. Do you know any other Youtube duos whose names are Dan and Phil? What did you expect the title to be, TheAmazingGamingChannelOfDanHowellAndPhilLesterWhichIsNotOnFire? Alright, let's move on.

My initial idea was to create a website solely about their Sims 4 series; and although it is an iconic playthrough (and maybe the longest-running Sims let's play ever? Like they've been doing this for 10 years now, and all with the same cast! Woah), I thought this premise was too specific. Besides, you can't just ignore the ten years worth of content (Well, minus the five year hiatus)! What about the yearly traditions, like Gamingmas and Spooky Week? What about the classic Dan vs. Phil series? Or the universally beloved Undertale playthrough? And what about all the questionable shenanigans that make you wonder why Dragon City continues to sponsor them to this day? There is so much stuff to cover, I can't just sweep all of this content under the carpet and keep it strictly Sims-related, especially considering the unforeseen, but nonetheless long-awaited channel revival, which took place on the 15th October of 2023. Truly one of the greatest historical events of our century, you just had to be there. And if you're a fellow hiatus survivor like me, I offer you a snack and a refreshing beverage of your choice.

And even if you just got into the phandom a week ago, take one anyways. I don't gatekeep. You still deserve a nice treat. Regardless of who you are, I wish you a very pleasant browsing experience (this site is NOT sponsored by NordVPN) and enjoy your stay. Now, I invite you to hop back on to the navigation bar and take a stroll down the links; there are plenty of them for you to explore. This fansite (or should I say... phansite) is regularly updated and always a work in progress, just like you are.